Welcome tom EVELYN, GIANNA and families who are joining us this month. We are sure you will have a wonderful time at the Centre and please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
We would like to wish a happy ‘St. Patrick’s Day ‘to those families who celebrate that day.
We would like to wish ‘ Narouz Mubarak’ for those families who celebrate their New year on 21 MARCH 2015.
Infant and Toddler
Due to February’s unseasonably wonderful weather the children enjoyed going outside for walks and to the park. The children celebrated Valentine’s creating some fantastic heart themed art and brought in the Chinese New Year with preschool children with the dancing dragons. In upcoming March children can look forward to bringing in spring with flowers and bugs theme. Watch out for IT room poster board to reflect this theme..
Montessori 3-5 Program
February was a surprisingly bright and dry month allowing us to explore the surrounding parks and trails. During these adventures the children were sometimes looking for cupids other times for lucky dragons. During February the children did some wonderful sharing and turn taking activities and created some wonderful art that parents can look forward to coming home this week. On Valentine’s the children made a Friendship Pizza cutting the toppings they had brought to share (thank you, parents) and created some delicious lunch. For Chinese New Year the children celebrated with a dragon dance with some imaginative dragons that the children created.
During March hoping the weather stays fair and the children can look forward to go out for walks looking for some leprechauns and celebrating the first days of Spring, by looking for signs of budding trees and the first crocuses. The theme for March will focus on bugs and spring.
The letters we are covering this month for the Fun Family Phonics are N-R some suggestions for the weekly Wednesday show and tell include:
N-ninja turtle, noodle, and nickel
O-ogre (Shrek), orange, and orangutan
P-princess, pumpkin, and pig
Q-quarter, queen, and quatrefoil
R-rabbit, rat and robots
- Please ensure your child has indoor shoes which they change into when they arrive at the Centre and which stay at the Centre when leaving.
- Please have a change of clothes at the Centre , in case they are needed.
- Please label all you food containers and let us know if any food needs to be heated (note also: as you are aware ours is a ‘NUT-FREE’ Centre.)
- Please arrive on time especially if your child is attending the Montessori – this helps keep disruption to the minimum.
- Please inform us immediately if there are any changes eg address, telephone, contacts.
- Please ensure you look at your child’s cubby when you are leaving and take home their work etc.
- Please inform us as early as possible (by 9am – would be great) if your child is not attending the Centre that day.
- May we also suggest that you drop-off your child and leave soon thereafter. This makes the transition much easier and conducive to good start for the day both for the staff and the children.