SUNDAY MAY 13TH 2018 - Mother’s Day
(Victoria Day is celebrated in honor of the birthdays of both Queen Victoria and the current monarch of Canada.)
Please let us know of your plans during the coming months eg vacation etc so that we may plan accordingly. There is be a board at the sign-in desk where you can put down the details.
WEDNESDAY – 20ND JUNE 2018 – MONTESSORI GRADUATION DAY – details to follow :
Infant Toddler
During April we continued the theme of Spring , talking about Butterflies etc and the flowers which grow around this time of the year and the changing weather. April showers were here but we still endeavoured to spend time outside the classroom as much as possible to the trails and parks.
In May we will continue to talk about Spring and Flowers. We will be celebrating Mother’s Day - watch out for special cards and crafts coming home . At the same time we will be talking about families.
Daycare Montessori
April has been a busy month and we covered the following :
- life stages of a FROG - look out for completed posters in the classroom.
-introduced the theme of Space and Planets
In May we will expand on theme of Space and Planets and please discuss this topic with your children at home.
We will be making crafts for Mother’s Day which will be coming home over the next few days.
As well we continue the Fun Family Phonics. The teacher will advise the children as to the weekly show and tell items on Wednesdays. The childrens’ writing skills are coming along well and the next two months will be focusing on further developing these skills. Children are also covering numbers upto one hundred.
We will also continue this year’s theme 'all about me and my friends’ – recognizing and respecting different cultures and values .
We will continue to work on the following class rules at the outset and parents please help us by encouraging the same at home.
As the Montessori program comes to end ,in June, we will have a GRADUATION DAY on WEDNESDAY 20th JUNE 2018, with a ‘pot-luck’ event to conclude the ceremony. Further details to follow please watch this space and notices in the classroom. There will also be a sheet near the sign-in board for parents to register their ‘pot-luck’ item for the after- graduation celebration.
We will continue to work on the following class rules at the outset and parents please help us by encouraging the same at home.
1. Please ensure your child has indoor shoes which they change into when they arrive at the Centre and which stay at the Centre when leaving.
2. Please have a change of clothes at the Centre , in case they are needed.
3. Please label all you food containers and let us know if any food needs to be heated (note also: as you are aware, ours is a ‘NUT-FREE’ Centre.)
4. Please arrive on time especially if your child is attending the Montessori – this helps keep disruption to the minimum.
5. Please inform us immediately if there are any changes eg address, telephone, contacts.
6. Please ensure you look at your child’s cubby when you are leaving and take home their work etc.
7. Please inform us as early as possible (by 9am – would be great) if your child is not attending the Centre that day.
8. May we also suggest that you drop-off your child and leave soon thereafter. This makes the transition much easier and conducive to a good start to the day, both for the staff and the children.
As is becoming common practice generally, the Centre is also moving towards a policy of NOT warming food using a microwave . We would like to request parents to provide food which does not require warming or alternatively provide warm food in thermos containers. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.