Welcome to GRADY H AND IMAAD and families who have joined us this month – please feel free to ask any questions you may have; we are sure you will enjoy your time at the Centre.
Notable Dates :
Please advise us of your plans June through to August so we can plan accordingly – there is a sheet at the sign in desk to facilitate this. Thank you.
Infant Toddler
In May the theme continued to be Spring and all that it brings – bugs , flowers , showers and enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. The children made crafts and wonderful gifts went home for Mother’s Day .As well the children got to enjoy the sunshine by frequenting the surrounding parks on the many sunshine filled days of May.
June will hopefully bring many more sunshine days that the children will be enjoy the parks and trails. For June please ensure that your child has sunscreen, hat and appropriate footwear that can be left at the centre for outside days.
In addition , watch out for Father’s Day gifts and cards making their way home for you to enjoy with your child. Also keep an eye on the poster board in each room which reflects the month’s activities.
Daycare Montessori
MAY was a busy month as the children completed their phonics programme and continued their learning with show and tell items. Children had fun making jello in their cooking session and enjoying it thereafter!! The children also made Mother’s Day gifts and cards for the mothers to enjoy. They also enjoyed a movie session in the last week of the month.
As the Montessori programme comes to end in June, we will have a GRADUATION DAY on WEDNESDAY 22RD JUNE AT 5PM. Please do join us and celebrate your child’s hard work through the programme and see some wonderful performances.
It will be a potluck style dinner that follows the graduation ceremony and the sign-up sheet for your pot-luck items is next to the sign-in board.
We will also be making Father’s Day cards and gifts which will come home by Friday 17 of June.
Also the theme for June will UNDER THE SEA – watch out for the poster board and arts and crafts coming reflecting this exciting topic.
1. Please ensure your child has indoor shoes which they change into when they arrive at the Centre and which stay at the Centre when leaving.
2. Please have a change of clothes at the Centre , in case they are needed.
3. Please label all you food containers and let us know if any food needs to be heated (note also: as you are aware, ours is a ‘NUT-FREE’ Centre.)
4. Please arrive on time especially if your child is attending the Montessori – this helps keep disruption to the minimum.
5. Please inform us immediately if there are any changes eg address, telephone, contacts.
6. Please ensure you look at your child’s cubby when you are leaving and take home their work etc.
7. Please inform us as early as possible (by 9am – would be great) if your child is not attending the Centre that day.
8. May we also suggest that you drop-off your child and leave soon thereafter. This makes the transition much easier and conducive to good start to the day, both for the staff and the children.
9. Please provide a sunscreen bottle and a hat for your child , as we will be spending time outside taking advantage of the sunny weather.