You can also find us on :
Facebook page:(please check out our FB page for more photos and details)
Twitter User ID: forestgrovechil
Please visit the above and pass on to family and friends and your comments will be most welcome.
Welcome to JEREMY and family who have joined us this month – please feel free to ask any questions you may have; we are sure you will enjoy your time at the Centre.
Important dates to remember
Centre closed on :
(Centre re-opens, Tuesday 14 November 2017)
(Remembrance Day commemorates civilians and military personnel who lost their lives in armed conflicts.)
As in the past years, the Centre will be closed over Christmas and New Year as follows :
(Centre reopens on TUESDAY 2nd January 2018)
Infant Toddler
Within the overall theme of Fall, the children made some wonderful art decorating the Infant Toddler room including hand print leaves in fall colours of red, orange, yellow and brown and the IT room poster. In addition, we enjoyed Thanksgiving and Halloween activities and treats! Please see our facebook page for photos. Thank you to all the parents who brought treats for the children to enjoy.
In November, we will continue the theme of Fall , fallen and changing colour of leaves etc. We will also cover Remembrance Day and watch out for ‘poppies’ coming home.
We will also continue the theme of Friendship as new children continue to settle at the Centre.
Daycare Montessori
With FALL here, children learnt about different seasons of the year- please observe the artwork around the Centre. We also talked about Thanksgiving and the family unit. Halloween party was a great time for all – where the children came dressed up in their costumes and enjoyed special party food ,treats (thank you parents).
We will continue with the FALL theme and cover related activities eg dressing for fall, falling leaves etc.We will also learn about REMEMBRANCE DAY and look out for those ‘poppies’.
In October, we also started the Fun Family Phonics program and will continue in the months following, please encourage your children to sing the weekly letter song- eg this week is letter A- 'A' say a 'A' says a apple on the tree says a, a, a. This month we will cover E-H. Every Wednesday will be show and tell; for show and tell we encourage children to bring objects that start with the sound of the week.
Suggestions for the letters :
E-egg, elephant and eagle
F-fish, frog, and fireman
G-goose, grapes, and green
H – hockey,hat,hippo
We will also continue with weekly Science experiments and activities along with the cooking activities when ever possible. Look out for the pictures on our facebook page.
We will also continue this year’s general theme 'all about me and my friends’ – as we celebrate DIVERSITY , exploring and embracing different cultures and traditions.
We will continue to work on the following class rules at the outset and parents please help us by encouraging the same at home.
1. Please ensure your child has indoor shoes which they change into when they arrive at the Centre and which stay at the Centre when leaving.
2. Please have a change of clothes at the Centre , in case they are needed.
3. Please label all you food containers and let us know if any food needs to be heated (note also: as you are aware, ours is a ‘NUT-FREE’ Centre.)
4. Please arrive on time especially if your child is attending the Montessori – this helps keep disruption to the minimum.
5. Please inform us immediately if there are any changes eg address, telephone, contacts.
6. Please ensure you look at your child’s cubby when you are leaving and take home their work etc.
7. Please inform us as early as possible (by 9am – would be great) if your child is not attending the Centre that day.
8. May we also suggest that you drop-off your child and leave soon thereafter. This makes the transition much easier and conducive to good start to the day, both for the staff and the children.
9. As is becoming common practice generally, the Centre is also moving towards a policy of NOT warming food using a microwave . We would like to request parents to provide food which does not require warming or alternatively provide warm food in thermos containers. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.