Welcome MIA, JULIUS, ANTHONY, THEO, MARCELLUS, ASHKAN, RILEY, ALEKSANDER, JEREMY, JETT, HENRY, PATRICK, SOPHIE and families who have joined us this month – please feel free to ask any questions you may have;
we are sure you will enjoy your time at the Centre.
Important dates to remember
Centre closed on :
Infant Toddler
In September, Theme is ‘New Friends’. With new children joining us , we will find more about each other , names , culture etc. The new children will get to know our routine and become familiar with the surroundings.
"We are friends. Let's play together!!"..... At end of September , children will start learning about seasons.
Daycare Montessori
This September’s theme will be 'all about me' - the children will be making family trees and profiles about themselves to share with the class. If parents would like to send any pictures that the children can use for their profiles that would be great!
Nearer to the end of September, the children will celebrate the fall equinox with an apple theme-including making apple turn-overs and dissecting apples to learn the parts of an apple.
1. Please ensure your child has indoor shoes which they change into when they arrive at the Centre and which stay at the Centre when leaving.
2. Please have a change of clothes at the Centre , in case they are needed.
3. Please label all you food containers and let us know if any food needs to be heated (note also: as you are aware, ours is a ‘NUT-FREE’ Centre.)
4. Please arrive on time especially if your child is attending the Montessori – this helps keep disruption to the minimum.
5. Please inform us immediately if there are any changes eg address, telephone, contacts.
6. Please ensure you look at your child’s cubby when you are leaving and take home their work etc.
7. Please inform us as early as possible (by 9am – would be great) if your child is not attending the Centre that day.
8. May we also suggest that you drop-off your child and leave soon thereafter. This makes the transition much easier and conducive to good start to the day, both for the staff and the children.